Book Review: Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa (Translated by Eric Ozawa)

Imagine your uncle owning a second-hand bookshop, and you having access to all the books. It's like practically living in the midst of books, doesn't it sound like heaven?

Some books make you feel at home, even though they lack suspense or mystery in their stories. Well, "Days at the Morisaki Bookshop" is one such book for me. Despite its lack of a suspenseful plot, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The Book is all about Love, Family Bonding, Finding comfort in books and New Beginnings..

Let's delve into the book. Set in Jimbocho, Tokyo; it revolves around the Morisaki Bookshop nestled in a neighborhood full of bookstores, specializing in old secondhand books. The female protagonist, 'Takako', starts living on the first floor of the building that houses the bookstore after her uncle offers her the place in exchange for a little help with the bookstore. 'Satoru', the male protagonist and brother of Takako's mother, inherited the bookstore from his father, and his life revolves around the bookstore after his wife left him.

Over time, the bond between the uncle and niece rekindles, strengthening their relationship and sense of protection for each other. It also ignites Takako's love for books. This book is sweet, simple, and full of stories about books. While some may consider it a very general story, for me, this book holds a special place.

The book took me back to my childhood memories, reminding me of the bond between me and my uncle, which we still cherish today. It reminded me of all the things he has done for me—protecting me from this unfair world, joining in on every mischief of mine, and standing by my side whenever I needed him. This book served as a reminder of how grateful I am to him for making this world a better place for me.

So, this book is for everyone who loves reading about bookshops, as it is solely based on one. If you enjoy highlighting and annotating your books, this book is a treasure for you (I've added a few of my favorites here as well). Or if you love reading Japanese literature and authors. And if you're just looking for a light read with a beautiful family story and a new perspective on life, this book is for you ♥️

What more could you ask for? Why always read heartbreaking books? Our hearts deserve to read something that feels like home and makes us smile. Although I was expecting a better ending, you can't have everything, right? This one comes highly recommended from me.

And let's not forget the lovely cover of the book; you might just want to pick it up for that alone 🙈, but trust me, you'll love the book. Short, simple, and good for your heart.

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