Book Review: Love, Swipe, Blackmail by Nitish Bhushan

Do you also find it challenging to trust others in this age dominated by social media and dating apps? It's a sentiment many of us can relate to. In a world where you can't always be sure who's on the other end of a chat, skepticism often prevails.

If this resonates with you, then you're bound to connect with a book that embodies this sentiment. They say not to judge a book by its cover, and that rings especially true here. While the current cover might not immediately grab your attention, the title and story within surely will.

"Love, Swipe, Blackmail by Nitish Bhushan " promises to enthrall and captivate you until the very end. Set in Delhi NCR, the narrative unfolds across two timelines: the present day and two years prior. Ravi, Raaj, and Bhanu, along with their secretive WhatsApp group, navigate through the complexities of modern relationships and unforeseen challenges.

As Ravi faces the threat of blackmail, endangering his impending marriage, his friends rally behind him. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mystery and emerge from their predicament unscathed.

While the book keeps you guessing about what's to come, it's the journey itself that proves most compelling. Beyond Ravi's struggles, the heart of the story lies in the bonds of friendship and brotherhood shared by the trio—a theme that resonates deeply.

Navigating themes of modern romance, traditional values, and the pervasive influence of technology, the book delves into intimate portrayals of contemporary relationships and the pitfalls of hookup culture. Kudos to the author for fearlessly addressing these topics, which are often overlooked.

For those seeking an engaging and suspenseful read, look no further. I devoured the book in under six hours, unable to tear myself away—a testament to its gripping narrative.

While the story concludes satisfactorily, the author hinted at a sequel during our encounter at the 2024 Delhi Book Fair. I, for one, am eagerly anticipating the next installment and the surprises it holds.

My interaction with author Nitish Bhushan was a highlight, as he graciously shared insights and gifted me a signed copy of the book—an unexpected delight.  Also, I feel this book can be adapted for the OTT show in the coming Future, because of all the Suspense and drama in the Book. I Would love to see the Characters coming alive in OTT Show especially Bhanu & his girlfriend. 

In conclusion, "Love Swipe Blackmail " exceeded my expectations, delivering a relatable story filled with memorable characters and compelling scenarios. 

Don't miss out—grab your copy today, available in both ebook and paperback formats on Amazon.

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